Site Planning
Ceed Civil Engineering is experienced in providing smart, cost-effective designs while remaining responsive to our client’s needs, and we are always evolving to remain progressive and current with regulations and development standards. As our culture becomes more eco-aware and environmental policies dictate new stringent and environmentally conscious requirements for development, our staff implements sustainable practices which are sensitive to, and well-integrated with, surrounding communities and natural features while adhering to progressive development requirements in the most cost-effective way possible. Our services span from California to Virginia and every state or municipality in between.
Standard Site planS
- Pre-Condition Plans
- Post-Condition Plans
- Pre-Vegetation Map
- Post-Vegetation Map
- Tree Conservation Plan
- 10 Year Canopy Calculations
- Pre-Grading
- Post-Grading
- NCS Detail
- Storm Water Management (SWM)
- BMP, Outfall and Impervious Area Calculations
- New Home Site Plans
- Subdivision Site Plans
- Site Topographical Survey
- Existing Building Height Survey
- Setback Certification
- House Location Plat
- Resource Protection Area (RPA)
- DOT Requirements
Development Services
- Full Site Plan
- Infill Lot Grading Plans
- Conservation Plan
- Master Planning
- Site Development Permits
Vesting Tentative Maps
Planned Development Permits
Commercial/Industrial Site Development
Residential Site Development
Public Facilities/Golf Courses
Tentative Subdivision Maps
Tentative Parcel Maps
- Pre & Post Development ALT
- Limited Feasibility Study
- All Other State Specific Civil Engineering and Site Planning Services